(Ma-reeoh Gar-see-uh Pa-tron Al-va-rez) He/him
Mario started his career as a performer in 2012 at the EMAD Academy of Madrid. At the age of 18 he began a 4-year bachelors degree in Physical Theatre at the RESAD (Royal School of Performing Arts in Madrid). In his third year of studies, he went to the Folkwang Universität der Kunste (Essen, Germany) where he took classes with companies such as Pina Bausch and Familie Flöz. In 2018, he came back to Madrid to finish his bachelor.
Since his degree, he has performed in many different projects including Gods and Humans (Javier Mejía), Chaplin (Cachivache Company), The Hive (Ataria´s Company), The Idiots (Diego Landaluce) and LOVE (Julio Béjar). Mario also co-founded the physical theatre company Conclave Theatre with other performers from RESAD. With this company, he participates in the creation and performance of their shows: Today is Now (2018), In the middle of the supermarket I wanted to dance (2019) and Like me (2020/2021).
Mario is constantly developing his acting capabilities with masters of the art such as Vicente Fuentes y Francisco Carril, and his dance performances with David Vilarinyo, Marie Gyselvrecht and Malou Airaudo.