Support our work
Did you know that Gecko is a charity and the majority of our funding is from grants, trusts and public donations? By making a donation you’ll be supporting the full breadth of our work. It is an investment in everything that we do, helping propel our work forward and connecting us with more people.
We’ll use your donation to:
Develop and tour pioneering productions, allowing us to take risks and test new ways of working.
Deliver transformational work with schools, community groups and beyond
Remove barriers to participation, to inspire, enrich and unlock the potential in everybody, no matter their background
Catalyse the careers of emerging practitioners and provide training to our devising ensemble
If you are interested in contributing to a bespoke area of our programme, or would like to make a larger donation, please contact Natalie Pace (Fundraising and Development Manager) via info@geckotheatre.com