Workshop booking requirements
This document details the requirements for running a Gecko Workshop at your venue. Please ensure that you have read and understood these requirements so that our visit to you runs smoothly and your students gain the best experience possible.
The Gecko office and the workshop leader will contact you throughout the booking process to ensure that our workshop content reflects your needs and the needs and abilities of your students, so please don’t be daunted by the requirements below, we’ve just compiled a list of questions people have asked us frequently. Of course, if you have any questions at all, then please don’t hesitate to contact us.
We look forward to visiting you soon!
2. Venue Requirements/Responsibilities
2.1. Group Size
The maximum group size is 20 students per workshop.
We are able to work with larger numbers if the group is split into two or more separate workshops.
For groups of more than 20 that cannot be separated into two or more sessions, an additional workshop leader will be required as well as an additional space.
2.2. Room
The workshop space should be an appropriate size for the group, allowing sufficient personal space (including social distancing) so as not to come into contact with an obstruction or fellow performer.
The room should have a ceiling height that allows for jumping, leaping and lifting without obstruction.
It should be warm, clean and well ventilated with natural lighting.
The room temperature should ideally be set at 21°C but not less than 18.3°C.
Flooring should be suitable for working barefoot which is clean, clear and safe (a sprung floor is ideal). A carpeted, concrete or solid floor is not appropriate.
Ideally the room should not be fitted with mirrors. If this is unavoidable, then every effort should be made to cover the mirrors where possible.
The room should be kept as clear as possible of other objects to minimise the chance of injury through slips and trips and to allow the maximum amount of space for practice. Participants should leave belongings in an allocated area or neatly around the edges of the space.
An additional breakout space is useful if available.
2.3. Equipment
Please provide the following equipment:
An amp or stereo system (including suitable cables) to play the output from an iPod or Laptop that Gecko will provide.
Some large sheets of paper or a flipchart, some coloured pens and some masking tape or blue tack.
Tables or chairs are not needed unless requested for the workshop content.
2.4. Clothing, Jewellery and Hair
Ideally, we prefer to work in an environment where participants wear their own clothing, rather than uniforms.
Participants should wear clothing suitable for physical activity, such as tracksuit bottoms, leggings, t-shirts and sweatshirts. Jeans, skirts or low-cut tops should not be worn.
Workshops are usually done in bare feet, but participants should bring trainers or other suitable sports shoes just in case.
Jewellery should not be worn during the workshop.
Long hair should be tied back during the workshop.
2.5. Pre-workshop Information
Students should be introduced to Gecko’s work prior to their workshop with us.
You can do this by visiting our website and YouTube Channel, on which we have many video resources as well as some of our past shows which are all available to watch in full.
Your booking includes access to our production The Wedding and the accompanying making of documentary The Wedding: Making Total Theatre for the 21st Century. Access to these video resources lasts for one term, with details provided on signature of contract.
2.6. Student and Teacher Attendance
Students should be present for the full duration of the workshop.
If there are any expected disruptions, planned absences, or pupils needing to leave early, it’s important that you let us know in advance.
We ask that all distractions during workshops are kept to a minimum; this means that there should be no observers present unless required for safeguarding reasons.
In the case of school workshops, a qualified teacher must be present at all times throughout the workshop.
We encourage teachers to be part of the workshop experience with their students, supporting and encouraging their students throughout.
2.7. Access and Special Requirements
Any statements relating to access or special requirements for any attending participant should be discussed with the company prior to the workshop taking place.
Gecko are experienced with working with groups of multiple abilities and are keen to ensure all participants have the best experience possible during our workshops.
2.8. Water
Gecko workshops are highly physical and those taking part should bring a bottle of water with them to keep hydrated throughout the workshop.
If this is not practical, the venue should provide water within the workshop space for the practitioner and participants to access.
2.9. Photography and Video
No photos or videos will be taken of the workshops without the prior consent of Gecko.
Where photography and videos are agreed in advance, Gecko reserves the right to request usage of the footage gathered for their own marketing purposes.
2.10. Risk Assessment and Emergencies
It is the venues’ responsibility to conduct their own risk assessment for hosting the workshop at their venue.
Any actions or procedures that you wish us to adhere to as a result of your risk assessment should be communicated to Gecko prior to our arrival.
Please inform our workshop leader procedures for responding to a fire alarm or emergency prior to the workshop starting.
2.11. General Information
Any exercises used within the workshops remains the intellectual property of Gecko, and any usage of these after the residency by schools must be credited appropriately to Gecko.
All marketing materials relating to the workshops issued by the venue must be approved in advance by Gecko before being released.
2.12. Contact Information
Please provide the following information:
Full address (inc. postcode), phone number and directions for the venue
Name, address (if different to above), phone number and email of the staff member hosting the workshop
Name, address, phone number and email to send our final invoice (if different to above)
3. Fees and Billing
3.1. Fees
Fees for the workshops are:
Half day Workshops: £450 + VAT with one practitioner, £650 + VAT with two practitioners
Full-day Workshops: £600 + VAT with one practitioner, £800 + VAT with two practitioners
Two-day Workshops: £850 + VAT with one practitioner, £1,250 + VAT with two practitioners
3.2. Travel, Accommodation and Per Diems
Travel, and accommodation/per diems (if required) for workshop leaders are not included in the workshop fees above and will be confirmed at contracting.
3.3. Billing
Gecko will invoice you on completion of the workshops.
Invoices will be sent to the address/email provided as requested above
4. Gecko Contact Details
If you have any questions at all, or would like to discuss bespoke options for workshops, then please don’t hesitate to contact us:
01473 599 200
Ivry House, 23 Henley Road, Ipswich, IP1 3TF